May 15, 2013

Comments (93)

  • His administration. Yes. Not necessarily his doing. The IRS commissioner this happened under, Douglas H. Shulman, was a Bush appointee who resigned last August 2012.

  • The IRS isn’t exactly known for their love of tax protester groups, a situation that predates this administration. In 1998 Congress had to pass an act to stop them from labeling anyone who disagrees with them is a “tax protester”, and thus subject to extra scrutiny or even fines for “frivolousness”, yet they still found ways to use euphemisms to go after people.

    If you go around calling yourself the “Tea Party”, after America’s most famous tax protesters, you would probably end up on their radar. The fact that the Tea Party is also a legitimate political movement only highlights the problems with the IRS’s monomaniacally antagonistic policies.

    This seems to be an institutional problem with the IRS, and trying to lay the blame on Obama is just political opportunism.

  • Am I surprised? not really. I would be more surprised if the government/commander in chief decided it was in our best interest to not be manipulative, underhanded and well, not act like politicians do. When they no longer say one thing and do another, I will officially become surprised…and pigs will fly over a frozen hell.

  • or maybe hell will fly over frozen pigs…

  • @StupidSystemus - The IRS events were done to directly help Obama get elected. And no one is sayiog that it was done by Douglas H. Shulman but it was done at a high level and the lying about it was also top level. The IRS is under Obama’s direct control, he is responsible for it . But Obama is not known for his hands on approach. That fact does not absolve him from responsibly. Even if it will keep him from criminal liability

  • @StupidSystemus - They went after a lot of groups that were conservative (none liberal) and not tea party groups. The Tea party is not a about not paying taxes, so that isa bull shit excuse. And giving information to propublica for opposition research. I am rather sure that is a criminal act

  • @Yorokobi1010 - I love that comment

  • @trunthepaige -  I love your profile pic. so there.

  • I’m betting the Obama Llamas are incapable of seeing any wrong in him still. I wonder if they are so far gone that they EVER will.

    You know Paige, this is off topic, but I swear there is so MUCH deception saturating our culture….I am beginning to think that they just are so corrupted themselves that there just is no honesty in them to even spot a lie. And they love lies so much they are just drawn to them. It seems overwhelming when I think about it all.

  • Does it matter who did it what? Not really. The United Shithole of America hasn’t had a good president in over a century and never will again. You honestly probably should stop caring. Life is going to suck one way or another, no matter who’s in power, so whatever.

  • @mtngirlsouth -  I think that the saturation of lies has blinded a lot of people. Also, the laziness of so many hinder them from doing any sort of real research that brings them to an educated decision. They’d just rather go off of what other people tell them and what their tv/media of choice tells them. They think they’re making good choices and forming opinions based on truth.

    This is not subject to Obama fans either. It’s prevalent on both sides.

  • @mtngirlsouth -  The excuse “they all do it” when it is used as an excuse really means. I am not any more honest than that myself and I do not think of honestly as being very important.

  • @secretbeerreporter - I got to love a little fatalism

  • I say good. The right wing is the country are every bit the terrorists Al Qaeda are (maybe worse) and I applaud our President for having the balls to fuck with them.

  • @SKANLYN - You do know of course that when reading these stories I see comments that sound just like this

  • @trunthepaige - How else would one respond? Well if you were a right winger you would rant and rave about it which would be totally hypocritical. Your boi Nixon did similar things yet he’s a hero to y’all.

  • Barry will feed the american people a bunch of bullshiite and tell them it’s ice cream and the minions of sheople will lap it up like the dogs they are and ask for more . . . just like with every other politician that gets elected.

    Only way to fix it now is kickin it to the curb and starting over

  • Look at the those excuses come pouring in!

    “Obama isn’t accountable for what goes on in his administration!” @StupidSystemus - 

    “Who cares? @secretbeerreporter - 

    “The Republicans deserve it because they’re terrorists! @SKANLYN - 

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - Um, I’m not an Obama worshipper, you idiot. I think he fucking sucks just as much as you do. I could just care the fuck less because no matter who’s in power they’re going to fucking suck and there’s not a damn thing that can be done about it. Life’s going to fucking suck one way or another, regardless of who’s in power (I say “in power,” it doesn’t really matter that much in the end). Get used to it. Why do you think I’m an antinatalist?

  • @SKANLYN - Nixon damn you are old

  • There is no tactic so low or illegal that members of this administration won’t use it, but more than likely Obama himself will never be held liable for it.

  • @trunthepaige - He’s confusing Nixon with Clinton.
    Nixon left office a complete disgrace. Even his own Republicans turned on him.

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - I was wondering what he was talking about, I had never heard anyone praise Nixon. But even to my parents he is old history

  • @lonelywanderer2 - I doubt it but maybe he will end up a very lame lame duck. He is a massive failure

  • @trunthepaige - Nixon was the first president I was able to vote for.

    Even without Watergate he was a lying sack of you know what. He talked a good conservative game during every speech he ever made.

    But when he was in Washington DC, he was more liberal than Lyndon Johnson his predecessor.

    Richard Nixon was an inveterate liar who got a whole lot less than he deserved.

  • @trunthepaige - Maybe his presidency will cause a large number of people to wake up to just how much of their lives the Progressives want to take over, and Americans will start demanding Government be cut back to a more commonsense, reasonable level. We can hope.

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - Not accountable? Far from it. Whether he was in it or not is up for debate by pundits and the like. What’s actually happening now is that the President is going to hold people accountable for targeting his political opponents. When Bush was President, he fired US Attorneys for refusing his illegal orders to target his political opponents.

  • This is just racism.  If Obama were white you wouldn’t say any of this.  Now, ask me if I really believe that.  lol

  • Quite frankly@trunthepaige - 

    “The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was “inappropriate” targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status.

    IRS agents singled out dozens of organizations for additional reviews because they included the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their exemption applications, said Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt groups. In some cases, groups were asked for lists of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said.”

  • @StupidSystemus - You are a little behind on that one. Hit the link I put up. It was not just tea party and it was not just the locals in Ohio it was higher ups in DC. And they passed information on to a liberal news org

  • I didnt vote for him either time. He has NO experience (and still doesnt). So much for his “transparent” administration (aka sweep everything under the rug while I star in the “Obama Show).

  • I have one bit of advice for President Obama. . . don’t tape your conversations in the White House.

    This would be real trouble but President Obama is a Democrat so its cool.

  • @TheTheologiansCafe - Even with the tapes I am rather sure Nixon would not have needed to resign these days. Back then being guilty meant something, now not so much. Its all about 60 votes n the senate

  • @GoneRetired - he has turned out to be more secretive (underhanded) than any president

  • @Celestial_Teapot - The AP called it wiretapping but it was taking all phones records logs and numbers. That is what I get for trusting a liberal news source…But I am doing better than the AP did in trusting a liberal politician

  • @trunthepaige - If it is the case that AP sources jeopardized American lives through the illegal obtaining and dissemination of classified material, then wouldn’t the Justice Department be correct in investigating?

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - Eh, Nixon was as great as he was crooked, corrupt, and paranoid. -_-

  • @Celestial_Teapot - We will see if that is what happened, but this is the first time that something like this has ever been done. Don’t mind me if I do not give this administration the befit of the doubt, as they have lied about almost everything so far.

  • @Celestial_Teapot - I do not know his history that well

  • @trunthepaige - Yeah. Either way, the records seizure is disconcerting.

  • @TheTheologiansCafe - The Kennedy tapes weren’t as nearly as bad as the Nixon tapes.

  • i think getting us into an unnecessary war and causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings beats biased IRS investigations and wiretapping any day of the week.

  • @trunthepaige - Nixon was intelligent and politically adroit. He rose out of poverty to the Presidency. As President, he had meaningful foreign policy accomplishments.

  • @lonelywanderer2 - You seem to have poor understanding of the facts of the case.

    There are legal rules in place for the DOJ to investigate the illegal leaks of classified government information– especially those jeopardizing national security and the security of American citizens.

    The justice department conducted their investigation legally.

  • @Angry_Infidel - Phone records seizure was part of an investigation conducted by the DOJ. The White House wasn’t involved.

  • @secretbeerreporter - “I’m betting the Obama Llamas are incapable of seeing any wrong in him still. I wonder if they are so far gone that they EVER will. “

    Has nothing to do with President Obama. Don’t you know anything about the DOJ investigation of the AP?

  • @trunthepaige - “The IRS events were done to directly help Obama get elected.”


    You’re making this up.


  • @flapper_femme_fatale - Everything Bush did was scrupulously legal and above board.

    There was not one, single scandal during the 8 year administration of George Bush. Criminalizing policy that you don’t like is characteristic of fascism and banana republic thuggery.

    The Obama Regime is being exposed for what it is: an organized crime syndicate that lied, cheated and stole it’s way to power.

    Liberal bias refuses to see its own crime and anything opposed to liberalism IS a crime.

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - 

    so are you saying that if what Obama did was perfectly legal, you’d have no problem with it?

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - What I am saying is that there is a night and day difference between the raw criminality of the Obama Regime and legal political policy set forth through Constitutional processes.

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - 

    kudos for dodging the question.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - You asked, “So are you saying…?”

    I responded by telling you, “What I am saying…”

    How is that a dodge?

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - I thought we had settle that little thing called the you too fallacy. It is not even a little relevant if what you said it true. You might as well have brought up the score of the last super bowl game. By your reasoning if I were to kill you I would still be a good person because I did not start an unnecessary war causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings. And for your information Obama has been as much a war president as Bush was, having started several new wars himself. But again that has nothing to do with what Obama is doing regarding lying and covering up his fatal screw up in Benghazi. Turning the IRS into his political weapon, through harassment of opponents and using it to gain opposition research (that is a crime by the way). And treating the first amendment like toilet paper in his efforts to find out how leaked information to the press. Just admit it you really do not care you sort of like what the the IRS did. Anything to stop those evil conservatives. The ends justified the means right?

  • @Celestial_Teapot - I only knew he was brilliant and corrupt enough to need to resign. But that he his registration was all about his covering up some breaking and entering that was all about opposition research. IN other words no way would a president lose his job today over such an event. We had higher expectations of honesty back them it seems

  • @Celestial_Teapot - No I am not The circumstances scream it. linklink 2

  • @Celestial_Teapot - I apologize if you got the impression I give a fuck about your opinion, because I sincerely doubt you really even have one. You seem to just parrot talking points.

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - 

    my question was yes or no. your statement indicated that your main issue with what Obama has done is that it was illegal. so i asked: if it was legal, would you be fine with it?

  • @trunthepaige - 

    “I thought we had settle that little thing called the you too fallacy.”

    where did i say Bush did the same thing as Obama? I said that what Bush did is different, but worse.

    ” By your reasoning if I were to kill you I would still be a good person because I did not start an unnecessary war causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands of human beings.”

    in comparison? absolutely. one life is worth less to me than one hundred thousand. and considering your religion teaches that everyone is a sinner worthy of eternal damnation, you’re not a good person even if you’ve never killed anyone.

    “And for your information Obama has been as much a war president as Bush was, having started several new wars himself.”

    OK, name them.

    “Turning the IRS into his political weapon, through harassment of opponents and using it to gain opposition research (that is a crime by the way). “

    what proof do you have that the IRS acted in collusion with Obama? the IRS is a fairly independent agency.

    “Just admit it you really do not care you sort of like what the the IRS did.”

    not at all. it’s utterly idiotic of you to assume that because i suddenly do not despise Obama and liberalism, i somehow approve of everything he does. you just have trouble dealing with my opinion that a law-breaking Obama beats out a social conservative. yes… i really do find you guys that terrible.

  • Well I will give you that the latest two have some substance and you should be upset unlike the ridiculous, concocted Bengazi nonsense where you are acting like trained seals.

  • @trunthepaige - 

    “The Tea party is not a about not paying taxes, so that isa bull shit excuse.”

    seriously? they’re named after an historical protest against taxation. how much more anti-tax can you get? the IRS should be allowed to scrutinize any organization who seems interested in avoiding taxation.

    a quote from Cincinnati’s Tea Party site: “Individuals need to have a direct connection between their efforts and the fruits of their labor. This is the magical spark that has led the United States from a loosely conglomerated political experiment into the most exceptional, strongest and most powerful nation on earth. Too many taxes and regulations ultimately serve to snuff out that spark.”

  • @mtngirlsouth - 

    not hating his guts as much as you doesn’t mean we find him to be flawless. we just continue to prefer him to any conservative out there.

  • and, it looks like this isn’t the first time the IRS has singled out specific groups:

    so, yeah…. “they” (being Presidents Reagan the conservative messiah, and Clinton) did, in fact, do it too.

  • Everyone know stuff like this was coming. I wish i was surprised.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - You don’t get to force me to answer questions that are hallucinated from the alternative universe of the postmodern mind.

    I said what I meant: The Obama Regime is an organized crime syndicate with 10s of millions of totally biased, low information voters like you making excuses for it.

    And the Bush Administration was squeaky clean without a single scandal yet you criminalize it because you didn’t like his legal, above board policies.

    That makes you a liberty-hating fascist.

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - 

    actually, i can’t force you to do anything, period. but i can choose to not waste my time with this conversation when you won’t answer a pretty simple and straightforward question and, instead, choose to spout opinions as facts and insult me personally. and you wonder why we still prefer Obama, with all his flaws, to your ideology…

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - You specifically and pointed rejected my replies to your unethical and abusive questioning

    You can’t require people to think with your mind. People think with their own minds.

    And like the good little intolerant, brainwashed, liberty hating fascist that you are, you make it look like having my own thoughts and not being dragged down your crazy rabbit hole is my fault.

    I responded to your question with reality.

    Since you haven’t got the foggiest idea what reality is, it only seems like I didn’t answer your question.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - I don’t like Progressivism. It’s a throwback to the primitive times of tyranny and bone grinding poverty.

    Choosing the type of regime to govern is what elections are for.

    What we are seeing with all the Obama Regime criminality is the conscious, systematic destruction of American democracy.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - Wow in your eyes a call for tax reform is criminal? NO WHAT THE IRS DID IS CRIMINAL. And the story is getting worse everyday. You do not care about what the IRS is accused of doing?

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - OK now you are back to the most stupid of logical fallacies. Its not reverent what someone else once did.

  • @KelliAnnC - I was expecting a mess but getting caught playing with the IRS and messing with his main allies the press. That one really surprised me. Obama just bit the hand of the people who put him in office

  • @trunthepaige - 

    criminal? no. but i think that any organization who prides itself on an anti-tax policy is worthy of extra scrutiny by the IRS. same goes for individuals. i’d say the same for any liberal organization with an anti-tax policy.

    “You do not care about what the IRS is accused of doing?”

    honestly? no. i think this is just another issue blown out of proportion by the same conservatives who want us all to believe that Obama is a secret Muslim socialist. after such character defamation and personal attacks, this is a “boy crying wolf” scenario. not to mention, the general disrespect for anyone who isn’t as anti-Obama as you makes me utterly apathetic to anything you have to say.

  • @trunthepaige - 

    it is if you’re trying to argue that this is somehow a new issue.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - I see even though they never promote breaking the law, being conservative we all know they want to. Me thinks it was people thinking like you who committed these crimes and they are crimes. You really should be reading the news accounts about these events and not covering your eyes and ears. @flapper_femme_fatale - Just like the crime of murder someone has always done it in the past. But it is still a crime and saying someone else did it is not going to help you in court. You are dwelling on a logical fallacy, your mind is simply trying to hide from the truth,

  • @lonelywanderer2 - You’re just about as uninformed and as thoughtless as you are old. =D

  • @trunthepaige - 

    “I see even though they never promote breaking the law, being conservative we all know they want to. “

    i’m not interested in that, but in what they stand for. i’m pro-choice, pro- gay rights, anti-religion in government, etc. even if a conservative is a perfectly law-abiding citizen, i’d never support them due to their ideology. if you’re asking me who i have to choose between: a liberal who breaks the law, or a conservative who doesn’t… if those are my only two choices, i’m going with the liberal. actually, the only time i’d vote for a conservative politician is if i thought they were a hypocrite who might go against their ideals and, therefore, go with mine.

  • @trunthepaige - 

    the news sources i follow (NPR and BBC) have plenty of other things to write about. the coverage has been fairly light and not hyped up.

    “You are dwelling on a logical fallacy, your mind is simply trying to hide from the truth,”

    you’re the one acting like this has never happened before in the history of the IRS. i’m simply pointing out that this isn’t exactly anything new. seriously… the fact that you cannot come to grips with my acceptance of Obama’s flaws is hilarious.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - I would say you have not paid any attention lataly. I follow the same sources . I am thinking you have your head buried

    I see you are going right back to you too. Denial is so important to you.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - Again you seem to be justifying the IRS breaking the law because conservatives are simply evil in your limited view of the world

  • @trunthepaige - 

    how am i justifying it? in order to justify something, i’d have to support it in some way. what part of “i really don’t care about the IRS” did you miss in my comments?

    i don’t think conservatives are evil. i just don’t support their policies, to the extent that i’d sooner vote for liberals i can’t fully trust. that’s pretty much why i voted for my state’s governor. the Republican option was some Tea Party darling who tried to tell everyone that a degree in home economics (aka that class i took in 7th grade where i learned how to bake and sew) was the equivalent to an economics degree.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - No you can just keep trying to say its not really important and you do it too

  • @trunthepaige - 

    *shrug* well, i can’t say i’m surprised that you have more interest in what you presume my words mean, whether than what they actually are.

    as for the “you do it too” thing you keep ranting about, i find it hilarious that a Christian would have such an issue with that logical fallacy. doesn’t your religion teach you to not to throw stones unless you’re innocent?

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - No it does not teach that all. and it certainly does not teach that your evil act is an excuse for my evil act. And that is what you trying to say. But not outright say it because even you know your own argument is full of shit. You just want to divert from what your heroes are doing.

  • My gosh, this thing went viral, Paige. I certainly did not read all the comments, but I want to commend you for a great post. – Rollie

  • @trunthepaige - 

    “And that is what you trying to say. “

    nope, that’s what you wish i was saying. what I’M trying to say is that when it comes to politics, i prefer liberals to conservatives, period. you want me to care about the IRS debacle, and i don’t. i don’t approve of it, i don’t disapprove of it. it’s not even on my radar of shit to care about this week, month or year. if you’re going to continue making assumptions about how i feel to further your own cause, can you please do so in your head and leave me out of it?

    and please… Obama is not my hero. i have no heroes, as i don’t find them necessary.

  • @flapper_femme_fatale - You have no idea how pleasant is to hear someone admit to a bias. We all are biased, but not everyone admits it

  • @davidian - Oh I did enjoy it thank you

  • @trunthepaige - 

    i don’t think i’ve ever really hid it. for me, abortion is a make-or-break issue. i’d never vote for a candidate who wanted to make it illegal, no matter what else i might agree with.

  • @trunthepaige - Seems like his fav lines these days are “I did not know” and “I am angry…” How the hell does he think I feel? Ugh!

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