May 18, 2013

  • Obama & His Party Told The IRS to do It


    In April 2012, an Obama campaign website named and slurred eight Romney donors. It tarred Mr. VanderSloot as a “wealthy individual” with a “less-than-reputable record.” Other donors were described as having been “on the wrong side of the law.”



    Twelve days later, a man working for a political opposition-research firm called an Idaho courthouse for Mr. VanderSloot’s divorce records. In June, the IRS informed Mr. VanderSloot and his wife of an audit of two years of their taxes. In July, the Department of Labor informed him of an audit of the guest workers on his Idaho cattle ranch. In September, the IRS informed him of a second audit, of one of his businesses. Mr. VanderSloot, who had never been audited before, was subject to three in the four months after Mr. Obama teed him up for such scrutiny.

    The last of these audits was only concluded in recent weeks. Not one resulted in a fine or penalty. But Mr. VanderSloot has been waiting more than 20 months for a sizable refund and estimates his legal bills are $80,000.


    I have been reading a long list of stuff like this. Direct and public pressure was put on the IRS to look into Obama enemies and they did as they were asked to do. This is going to be a very interesting few months. Enjoy the ride


    I only hope something is learned from all this






Comments (30)

  • By the time Nixon was in this deep he was pretty much resigning and handing the debacle to Gerry, who promptly pardoned him.

  • I just hope we get the truth.

  • @Angry_Infidel - That’s because the GOP didn’t want a malevalent crook leading the country.

    The Democrats insist on having crooks leading the country. And the American people keep electing Democrats.

  • Can’t blame Bush for this one.

    The American people will take the rap on this one, and many others.

  • that’s right. we don’t have enough honorable Democrats to put allegiance to the Country above the Party, or Obama and his antics would have been out of here before this. Now, also, the 3 branches of Government have all but been taken over by the Nazi/Fascist/Militarist/Elitist/Atheist/Satanist gang (whomever they are) and there’s just no way out of this mess. The solution will have to come from OUTSIDE the USA. China will have to nuke us into kingdom come. That’s how I see it. Maybe Israel can do it too….

  • While I agree about the IRS targeting, Mr. VanderSloot’s hands are not exactly clean.  His business practices have come under scrutiny for falsifying records of “employees” by taking information from checks individuals wrote to pay for his products, then claiming that these individuals were his employees when, in fact, they were not.  In addition, his company, Melaleuca International, has an astonishing track record for suing smaller companies who have had disputes with his company, driving many of them into bankruptcy by prolonging legal disputes.  While this may be seen as “good business” by many, it does tend to attract the attention of the government.  His political leanings may provide him with a good marketing tool that he is a victim, but his victims may differ with that assessment.

  • How do you arouse the “Beast”? Is there the Anti Christ?

    Maybe, just maybe some of the commenters here are persuaded that that is happening.

    Obamacare I still insist it was a republican idea.

    Wikipedia on Vandersloot says he is rich enough to influence a lot of folks. He owns a radio station and took over a healthcare group that is similar to Amway (like a pyramid) and has had to change their ways.

    But what arouse the “beast” probably is how Vandersloot donated a lot of money towards the anti gay marriage issue.

    Ironically the Mormon church has changed its stance on gay marriage. I am at a quandary if the beast philosophy is possible.

  • I’m not surprised, honestly. The USA’s Internal Revenue Service was strictly a liberal concoction anyway. It should never have been to begin with. They pull this kind of crap all the time, this just made big news.

    The US just needs to get rid of the IRS and the income tax and move to a national sales tax. I think they call it the “Fair Tax Act” and it’s brought up every legislative session but nobody takes it seriously. In reality it would be a much more efficient way of collecting taxes and would cost taxpayers less in the long run.

  • @PPhilip - A “beast” . The IRS and lot of regulatory agencies have a great deal of power that falls out of legal protection. We have the right to not testify against ourselves except to the IRS ,EPA, ete. as individuals only the IRS is lily to ever deal with you. But if in the IRS, there is one person who decides that you personally are a bad guy. Your life can be ruined by that one guy . If the president and say a few senators start giving speeches that name you as a bad guy and there are party web sites that name you as a bad guy by name. There is a damn good change that a few people in the IRS will think they are doing a great thing by ruining your life. Or at least trying to hurt you. They may even believe you are a criminal they are being noble. That one story is a good example of that. The IRS is far to powerful and ripe for being manipulated by politics

  • @brokenbindings2 -  He was investigated and found guilty of nothing by th IRS. IN other words they only legal body that can force you to prove yourselves innocent he did it. You not liking him is not grounds for what was done to him. I would tend to doubt the rumors you hear about him. It seems he just survived a sander campaign. And yes it was all about his politics

  • I don’t disagree that his politics were involved.  I have no personal feelings one way or another about him (I don’t wasteremotional time on people who do not know I exist.).  My point was that the individual who was griping about his treatment has dirty hands.  He just has the billion plus dollars to browbeat others even when he is in the wrong.  The IRS investigates tax issues. Another group needs to investigate his business practices.

  • @brokenbindings2 - I am writing so badly lately forgive that mess I just deleted

  • @brokenbindings2 - He could be a bad guy but it seems the IRS had no reason to be going after him other than his politics. The more I am reading about people who the IRS went after only because they were named in the same way as this guy was. Its really sort of scary. Not because its some sort of plot but because its not a plot at all. Individuals in the IRS can do this to you. And politicians publicly calling for the IRS do do this works. Its get a few individuals in the IRS to act without the politician getting his hands dirty. The IRS is too powerful

  • It’s okay. @agnophilo told me it only happened twice so it’s all okay.

  • @secretbeerreporter - I’d agree with you if I wasn’t a tax accountant, lol.

  • @ImNotUglyIJustNeedLove - Only twice, I gather you have been reading the news and laughed out loud when you read that one

  • @Chibi_Son_Gokou - the fact the too much of our economy is tired up in tax compliance and enforcement is the best reason to get rid of the income tax. But its not going to happen for that same reason

  • @trunthepaige - No, it won’t happen. Not in this day and age. Even if we were to implement a national sales tax system or a three tier income rate tax system, or any of the other proposed simplified tax systems, it would eventually balloon into just another complicated mess. The only way to truly simplify the tax code is to take the power of making tax laws away from Congress, but that would lead to tyranny.

  • @Chibi_Son_Gokou - NO congress has all its real power over us by way of the tax code. They are never going to willingly give it up. Repealing the 16th amendment would sure help. Again that is not going to happen

  • @PPhilip - 

    If it’s on Wikipedia then it must be true, right? Sign of intelligence there.

    As for the Mormon change of stance, you are truly ill-informed. Their official endorsement was to let gay boys in but keep gay leaders out. The official stance of the Mormon Church on homosexuality is still “don’t ask don’t tell”.

    As I have said before, please become informed before jumping into a conversation that you do not have the cognitive capabilities to coherently participate.

  • @trunthepaige - Just as likely as Congress voting for paycuts and term limits.

  • What evidence do you have that political opponents of the administration were targeted for political reasons?

    The last time I check, our finances aren’t immunized from regular check-ups just because we opposed the President.

  • @Celestial_Teapot - What evidence? the total lack of it happening to anyone else and the fact that everyone being politically attacked ended up meeting the IRS.

    But was this a centralized plot. The brilliance of it all is that it wasn’t. You may know that when you speak others act. But those others were probably (though predictably) acting on their own accord.

  • This post might be slightly unfair in the fact there is currently no evidence that Obama or his party pressed the IRS to do it. Doing it on behalf of what the IRS agent believed to be helpful to Obama’s electoral chances does not mean it was prompted by Obama or his re-election chumps.

    Regardless, people definitely need to be fired. I hope these people are barred from working for the federal government ever again (ie. get fired from the IRS go to the DoD or something, could so easily happen).

    Whether they should go to jail, is there a law barring federal employees from doing such? If there is I would support criminal penalties. If not, there should be a statutory guidelines put in place.

    And if we had electronic requirements, a simpler tax code, and better tax coordination, we wouldn’t have to worry about ‘rogue’ agents or any of this crap because there would be no need for selective audits.

  • @trunthepaige - You make a great point that many of the folks the IRS targeted were opponents of Obama and his campaign.  Another thing they seem to have in common is sketchy business practices, which are constantly should be under the scrutiny of the IRS.  This gentleman is in a good place right now:  while he is publically complaining about the IRS targeting him, his team is probably behind closed doors chortling and rubbing their hands with glee, because if any government agency investigates him or his company, he has a built in “they’re picking on me!” card to play.

  • This IRS business could have possibly had the potential to be a “scandal” under any other administration, but the Right Wing crying wolf on Obama every other week has essentially watered down any potency they could have had. Simply put, the only people that really care about these “scandals” are right wing extremists that wouldn’t vote Democrat anyway. Thus, it doesn’t tip the needle of public opinion that much, if at all.

  • To be honest with you, I’m not very interested in politics… BUT THE FIGHTS IT STARTS ARE GREAT!

  • @ShimmerBodyCream - For now on, I’m supplying the popcorn

  • @coolmonkey - No its not every other week, its that all three scandals were covered up until now. The IRS scandal is likely to be one that does not point to Obama. But instead to a over powerful IRS. The fact that most government workers are liberal is of no surprise. They fact that people working for the IRS have such power is the problem

  • America was built on corruption the founding fathers felt that the best way to control corruption was to use it. Actually it has worked well, but the population is now close to using the resources and there is not as much slack in the system to allow a bumptious individual the room to do their own thing as there once was.

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