Month: May 2013

  • Its Not All Bad News. Guns!!!!!

    The USA is growing more peaceful by the year. (If you do not live in Detroit)


    Gun violence in America is way down. (It seems that guns are running around all by themselves) The truth is that violent crime is dropping and criminals using guns are less common than they once were. The violent crime rate is dropping fast in the USA.

    That is what the federal government says. Firearm homicides have declined 39 percent since 1993, according to a Bureau of Justice Statistics on May 7. A separate study by the Pew Research Center put the decline at an even more impressive 49 percent. Nonfatal gun crime also dropped over two decades—by 69 percent.

    With gum ownership increasing over than same time. And gun laws being relaxed…

    What was the point of new gun control laws again?

    The old laws are working and the greater availability of guns is not causing crimes rates to increase, as a matter of fact they are dropping fast. That plus all research ether showing gun laws to be infective or counterproductive …

    What is the real reason for the big push for gun control?



  • What a Great Economy winky

    Back in 1980, the U.S. national debt was less than one trillion dollars.  Today, it is rapidly approaching 17 trillion dollars.


    During Obama’s first term, the federal government accumulated more debt than it did under the first 42 U.S presidents combined.


    More than 56,000 manufacturing facilities in the United States have been permanently shut down since 2001.


    There are less Americans working in manufacturing today than there was in 1950 even though the population of the country has more than doubled since then


    According to the Economic Policy Institute, the United States is losing half a million jobs to China every single year


    Back in 1950, more than 80 percent of all men in the United States had jobs.  Today, less than 65 percent of all men in the United States have jobs.


    At this point, an astounding 53 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year.


    Back in 1983, the bottom 95 percent of all income earners in the United States had 62 cents of debt for every dollar that they earned.  By 2007, that figure had soared to $1.48.


    In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined.


    According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined


    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 146 million Americans are either “poor” or “low income”


    Today, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless.  This is the first time that has ever happened in our history.


    When Barack Obama first entered the White House, about 32 million Americans were on food stamps.  Now, more than 47 million Americans are on food stamps.


    According to one calculation, the number of Americans on food stamps now exceeds the combined populations of “Alaska, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

    According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 49 percent of all Americans live in a home that receives direct monetary benefits from the federal government.  Back in 1983, less than a third of all Americans lived in a home that received direct monetary benefits from the federal government


    *All the text in bold above, are links to the sources of info.


    Is the economy of the USA in good shape?



  • Being on Xanga Today


    Wow guys its Memorial weekend and we are on Xanga. At least for a little bit. You all have fun I plan on it. I will be hanging out at Ocean Beach with a  bunch of firefighters, their hangers on, wives, girlfriends, boyfriends, etc, tonight and tomorrow. It will be nice.


    I noticed that there are so few people on Xanga today that some guy gets 8 comments on a update were all he does is read off his footprints. And his site makes number 3 on top blogs


    Please do not make me feel than pathetic.

    What are all of you doing this weekend?

    Those few of you who will sign on to Xanga and admit it. Be brave and tell me

  • Stoned in “Love”

    I’m seeing one stoner after another, waking up to the fact that most of their “friends” maybe all of them, were only about weed. All your smoking friends are gone, when you do not smoke. When the weed was not there, ether are those friends.


    I would say the day you see that is the time to look in the mirror and see if you were any better. Are they the only stoners whose only friendships were only about getting high? This is nothing new they just need to invent a name for it.

    Drinker have their “beer buddies” stoners have what?

  • A Teacher, or a Loser?

    It is odd who people follow, learn from, and hold up as someone to admire.

    Claim great failures in life, by way of a mass of foolish decisions. Blame it all on the worlds inability to reward stupid actions. And take no personal responsibility for personal failures. Such a person might gain a rep as a person who has lived a “real” life, such a hard life. Some will admire them, and may be fascinated by their incite into the world they have so failed in. To learn how you deal with these self inflicted wounds is a strange goal. Avoiding the wounds, by not inflicting them on yourself seems the better idea.

    I would think one would rather learn to do it right in the first place. Believing there is wisdom in the words, of a person who takes no personal responsibility for their own bitter life.  That is a truly foolish thing to believe.

    Many of us have had very bad things happen to them, at one time or another. But we rarely talk about such events. You see we have moved on and made life work. Never blaming anyone for our failures except ourselves. Taking personnel responsibility leads to personal success. You may not be in control of this world. But you and you alone are responsible for the results of your own actions. Personally I am not going to respect anyone, who is not willing to accept that responsibility.

    I try to look at and learn from those doing things the right way and succeeding. It is best to learn from the happy in life, the successful in life. To model myself on those I want to be like. People I have reason to admire.

    Unhappy losers are a lot of things, and yes they can be learned from. They can serve as bad examples, not to be followed. And I suppose the bitter losers do have a certain attraction to them. In the same way a car crash is interesting.

     But please don’t think such people actually know anything about living life the best way possible. They have nothing to teach you about life. If they can’t get it right in their own lives, why listen to them? It is not the world that is screwed up and holding them down. They hold themselves down. But oh some of them are so bitterly opinionated and full of very bad advice. 

  • The IRS Scandal …Oh no, there is no story here, stop looking Please stop looking!




    Because nothing really happened and no crimes where committed


    For those who do not know, taking the fifth means you refuse to incriminate yourself. Its done when a crime than can send you to jail has been committed.

    The White House’s shifting IRS account

    There is now evidence connecting the White House to the IRS investigations after all.  But no proof that Obama knew about it or ordered it… yet. This is official white house story change number 5


    On the why would they do this front

    Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun?

    According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form provided by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the Tea Party hating National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon time of March 31st.

    The White House lists the IRS union leader’s visit this way:

    Kelley, Colleen Potus 03/31/2010 12:30

    In White House language, “POTUS” stands for “President of the United States.”

    The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees — the same employees who belong to the NTEU — set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America. The IG report wrote it up this way:

    April 1-2, 2010: The new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for a Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party cases. The Determinations Unit Program Manager Agreed.


    The sentences that are in bold are links to the articles

    Is this news yet, or should we just sleep through it?




  • Boys will be Girls and Girls will be Boys


    It’s a mixed up muddled up shook up world except for … No one really.


    I have been observing a friend of a friend, who has really gone through some changes this year. Well not that many changes, just some hormones and make up mostly. He grew his hair out and now says he is a she. That was shock to “her” school mates. She is now all of 16 years old, and she is still sporting a penis. But details details, she says she is a she and who I am to notice a little thing like that

    Things I have leaned form her.

    At 16 years old, if your parents say its ok you can get a sex change operation.

    Its not very hard to get a court order to make you your official birth certificate tell lies. Yes he now has a birth certificate that says she was born with a different name and a different sex than she really was. Oh and officially she is a now girl even though she doesn’t look much like one and has a penis. In other words all the official documents are now lying. She has not even had any surgery yet. She it just a boy saying she is a girl and waring a dress and make up. But the legal record now says she was always a girl, she was born that way.

    Oh and she finds the way girls act and think very confusing and is always asking for help. Oh well life is odd that is not my concern.


    Should legal documents lie, in order to make someone feel better?


  • Obama & His Party Told The IRS to do It


    In April 2012, an Obama campaign website named and slurred eight Romney donors. It tarred Mr. VanderSloot as a “wealthy individual” with a “less-than-reputable record.” Other donors were described as having been “on the wrong side of the law.”



    Twelve days later, a man working for a political opposition-research firm called an Idaho courthouse for Mr. VanderSloot’s divorce records. In June, the IRS informed Mr. VanderSloot and his wife of an audit of two years of their taxes. In July, the Department of Labor informed him of an audit of the guest workers on his Idaho cattle ranch. In September, the IRS informed him of a second audit, of one of his businesses. Mr. VanderSloot, who had never been audited before, was subject to three in the four months after Mr. Obama teed him up for such scrutiny.

    The last of these audits was only concluded in recent weeks. Not one resulted in a fine or penalty. But Mr. VanderSloot has been waiting more than 20 months for a sizable refund and estimates his legal bills are $80,000.


    I have been reading a long list of stuff like this. Direct and public pressure was put on the IRS to look into Obama enemies and they did as they were asked to do. This is going to be a very interesting few months. Enjoy the ride


    I only hope something is learned from all this






  • Just Things:



    Yes I can prove that woman are not paid less for the same work as men. But for some reason that will change the mind of no one, who thinks that women are discriminated against in the work force.

    Its a fact that boys do far worse in school these days than girls. But that does not stop those who are still trying to make schools a better place for girls.

    Its a fact that boys who get the same test scores as girls, still get lower grades in school than girls. But that does not stop those who are trying to make schools a less male centric environment.

    Its a fact that girls outnumber boys in extracurricular activities. But that fact will not slow down those who think it is unfair that a few extracurricular activities are male dominated.

    Its a fact the girls overwhelmingly receive more scholarships than boys. But that fact will not stop those who believe that men’s athletics give men an unfair advantage in college.

    Its a fact that some people just want to be seen as victims, even if they are really privileged.


    Living in the USA if you are trying to say that woman are seriously discriminated against so far as eqaul pay for the same work. You are so full of bull shit.


    Do men have a better case than woman when the topic is sex discrimination?


     If you guys are going to address pay inequality you should read this first.

    If you control for things like college majors and occupations, the pay gap, or the discrepancy between men’s and women’s earnings that can be attributed to bias and discrimination, shrinks down to about one-third of its size. This is what the American Association of University Women determined when it surveyed male and female college graduates one year after graduation and found that, absent all explanatory variables, even including a graduate’s GPA and how selective their school was and how long they were unemployed after graduation, the women made 93% of what the men were making. In other words, 93 cents to the man’s dollar. Not 77 cents. Not 81 cents. Ninety-three cents.


  • Bush did it! Well No He Didn’t



    The Obama administration has secretly wiretapped the associated press for over two mounts



    Obama’s IRS Targeted conservative groups:


    Not only did the IRS do that but then they gave confidential information about these conservative groups to liberal groups, in order to help them with opposition research


    And lets not forget Obama’s direct lies about the Benghazi   White House Lies About the Benghazi Talking Points


    Did you ever expect that the Obama administration, in comparison to the Bush administration, would make Bush Jr’s administration look like the most honest and respectful of rights administration of all time?


    I knew Obama was going to suck, but this is more than I expected.